
project ENTITY is the Design Studio of the ENTITY collective of companies.


We are a collective of individuals focused on finding architectural solutions that work for you. We have found over our many combined years of experience that relationships really matter, especially when delivering complex projects and therefore we carefully curate who we work with and for.

We enjoy the process of design and the collaborate closely with our clients and wider consultants team members. We feel it is this trust and reliability that creates designs that are elegantly simple, sustainable, rational, cost effective and achievable. We call it ‘Intelligent Design’.

The sum of our individual experience enables us to provide what our clients need, to achieving the best outcomes.

We pride ourselves in balancing financial return with delivering projects that focus on the environment and contributing to the longevity of our environments.

Our ‘Intelligent Design’ solutions are based on using quality materials and efficient technologies to ensure the best products at the optimum price.